2-Person Teams
Better Ball Format | Flighted after first round
Saturday-T-Times Between 9am-1pm
Sunday - 12pm Shotgun
$100 | Member Player before February 26th
$120 | Member Player after February 26th
$140 | Public Player before February 26th
$160 | Public Player after February 26th
White - 64 and under
Green - 65 -79
Red - 80 and up plus Ladies
Skins: $20 / Team - Will be paid within 24 hours
Closest to Hole - $10 / Player
Calcutta: $50 team buy in. Must pay for calcutta prior to first round. Calcutta pay-out will be for 2 day total.
Awards / Appetizers - Sunday beginning at 5:30pm.
Significant other invited